广州建筑 ›› 2021, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3): 51-.

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  • 出版日期:2021-06-01 发布日期:2021-07-19

Discussion on the Role and Implementation Path of Digital Construction in the New Construction Industrialization

  • Online:2021-06-01 Published:2021-07-19

摘要: 智能建造和智慧建造的实质与基本是数字建造,智能建造与新型建筑工业的协同发展必须做好数字建造工作。本文较为详细介绍了数字建造在新型建筑工业化发展过程中的作用及实施路径,并以华南理工大学国际校区装配式建筑工程为例,详述了数字建造技术在装配式建筑设计、施工、碰撞检测等方面的应用及效果。通过采用数字建造技术,项目工期缩短20%,总成本降低约5%,项目被评为广东省装配式建筑示范项目,实现了提质降本节时的目标,为类似工程提供借鉴和参考。

Abstract: This paper introduces the role and implementation path of digital construction in the development of new construction industrialization. An example of prefabricated construction project is given for showing some digital construction techniques and its effects, though adopting digital construction technology, the project construction period is shortened by 25%, the total cost is reduced about 5%,which effectively improves the comprehensive benefits of the project.The essence and basic of intelligent construction and smart construction are digital construction.The coordinated development of intelligent construction and the new construction industrialization must pay more attention to digital construction.The most important direction to promote the development of digital construction is to establish a whole process,full-professional and multi-party information management standard and system based on BIM top-down design.