广州建筑 ›› 2020, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 27-.

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  • 出版日期:2020-12-25 发布日期:2021-02-03

Research on Initiation Technology of Small And Medium Radius Extended Shield in Spheroidal Weathering Mass

  • Online:2020-12-25 Published:2021-02-03

摘要: 随着我国大力提倡绿色交通出行,城市轨道交通工程的建设越来越多,其中地下隧道采用盾构法施工越发广泛,由于城市轨道交通所穿越的地层复杂繁多,变化不一,采用盾构法施工难度大。本文详细阐述了从盾构机施工如何在高度发育的球状风化体群中安全顺利掘进,如何将加长的盾构机盾体顺利进行小半径325 m割线始发,揭示始发过程中出现的问题,并提出应对的措施。工程应用表明:采用325m小半径在球状风化体群带中始发,微差预处理到位及始发措施控制好,可顺利始发,为类似工程提供借鉴。

Abstract: With our country's strong promotion of green transportation travel, the construction of urban rail transit projects is more and more, in which the tunnel stoic construction of underground projects is more and more extensive, due to the complexity and variety of formations throughed by urban rail transit, the challenge of using the shield construction method is growing. In this paper, how to dig in the construction of shield machine safely and smoothly in the highly developed lonestone group, how to make the extended shield shield body run smoothly with a small radius of 325m cutting line. Summarize the problems that arise in the process of origination and the measures to deal with them in advance, so as to provide reference for similar projects in the future.